Expertise in Technology Integration

Expertise in Technology Integration

Science is one of the most hands on subjects, or at least it SHOULD be! In today's society with the technological advances education's scientific possibilities are ever expanding, and technology provides an easy link to bring these possibilities directly into the classroom.  There are tons of scientific resources available for teachers on the web, these options include, using the internet for instruction, tool software, instructional software, and productivity software.  On this page we will review a few of these capabilities, providing a great resources available for to integrating technology into the subject area of Science.

Internet for Instruction: Infotopia

Integration Strategy


Teachers struggle with incorporating online research because students may come across inappropriate materials.

Technology Description:

One particularly great resource for a science classroom is a kid friendly search engine.  Many teachers are afraid to incorporate electronic research into their classrooms because they fear the inappropriate content that their students can sometimes stumble upon.  However, Infotopia is just one great example of the many kid-friendly search engines available to educators.  With search engines like Infotopia students are able to conduct research independently without the teacher worrying about what might 'pop-up' on their screen.  

Relative Advantage

Research is made available in a kid-friendly environment, information is quickly and easily accessible, students search for answers independently, teachers are free to work with other students,materials are reusable and multifunctional, expand capabilities of classroom assignments, increase student’s knowledge of technological software, develop student independence, students develop skills and practice using tools they will need in future work and school situations.

Expected Outcome

Student knowledge expands, subject capacity increases, independence produces higher student involvement.


 Tools Software: Google Earth

Integration Strategy


Students sometimes have difficulty connecting with geographic information from lack of interactive experience.

Technology Description:

Geography is such a great topic.  It can help build childhood dreams of seeing the world, from the Amazon jungle to the Great Pyramid of Giza.  However, it is sometimes difficult to explain the vastness and grandness of such breathtaking sights.  Geography becomes real and almost life-like with Google Earth.  Google Earth is a free downloadable application that is literally a map of the entire globe.  In a single setting students can see satellite images of literally any place on earth.  Travel from the Eiffel Tower, to the Dead Sea, to the icebergs near Antarctica without even leaving the classroom! If you thought your students were ready to see the world before, wait until they experience Google Earth. 

Relative Advantage

Visuals provide clarity for difficult concepts, materials are reusable and multifunctional, students are able to investigate geographical materials in a more real-life manner, detailed software allows students to develop a deeper understanding of subject matter, interactive format creates students motivation.  

Expected Outcome

Visuals provide an increase in students interest, higher achievement and involvement, increased motivation, subject capacity increases, important scientific principles are reinforced in a memorable way. 

Instructional Software: Bill Nye

Integration Strategy


Scientific materials can sometimes be hard for students to understand.

Technology Description: 

Probably everyone has heard of Bill Nye 'The Science Guy.'  On the Bill Nye website scientific concepts are presented in a kid-friendly format.  This includes funny science videos where difficult concepts are explained in a way that kids understand and are able to relate to.  He covers topic from sophisticated scientific principles like Physics to all about living things and the human body.  Students will love and laugh when watching Bill Nye's videos, which can easily be incorporated into curriculum lesson plans.

Relative Advantage

Scientific principles are reinforced through the repetition provided by the videos and educational games, visuals provide clarity for difficult concepts, videos and games provide review of missed concepts, allows personalized learning, builds independence, materials are reusable and multifunctional, interactive form provides motivation for students, teacher are free to work with other students. 

Expected Outcome

Student motivation and interest increase, higher understandings of scientific principles are developed, students gain deeper knowledge of content matter as instructions is based upon their level.

 Productivity Software: 3D Game Lab

Integration Strategy

Problem: Students are often on different levels of understanding when learning about scientific principles.  

Technology Description: 3D GameLab is an online learning environment created for teachers to develop personalized learning opportunities for their students.  It is a quest-based platform, which allows students to choose the activity associated with a certain lesson that they would like to complete. By using a format like 3D GameLab students can complete classroom assignments based upon their own individual learning needs, and their understanding of the current topic.  Students who are struggling with understanding could begin with a review of the topic in order to develop a firm knowledge base. 

Relative Advantage

Interactive format stimulates student motivation, allows student to work in self-structured and self-paced environment, helps students to develop independence, information is fast to access and free to use, materials are reusable, allows students to view content on a more personal level expand capabilities of classroom assignments, frees teacher to work with other students, allows school to take place outside of the classroom in an organized format.

Expected Outcome

Motivation is increased, students gain deeper knowledge of content matter as instructions is based upon their individual needs, student interest increases as subject matter is taught on their level, teaching opportunities expand, subject capabilities increase.